(-) All articles Food Inspiration Moments News People Planet Food 24 August 2021 This is how you bake sugar-free waffles! Who doesn't like baked waffles? Wonderfully crispy on the outside, creamy and soft on the inside. With this recipe for a sugar-free version... Food 23 August 2021 Tom & Della's on tour: eco-friendly at Paradise City Tom & Della's food truck was recently at Paradise City Festival. Our food reporter went to have a look, and tasted delicious beats and eco... Food 9 August 2021 Surprising vegan coconut rice pudding with chocolate Rice pudding, the dessert of choice for the sweet-toothed with a nostalgic side! On National Rice Pudding Day, our recipe gives this dish a... Inspiration 4 August 2021 Food catering at the Tokyo Games The Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020 in host country Japan are attended by countless athletes and accompanying personnel. The presence of no... Inspiration 2 August 2021 Chef Norio talks about the surprising cuisine of Japan The Summer Olympics are halfway over and Belgium has already collected a few medals. This year, the Games are being held in Japan, a country... Food 1 August 2021 Fruit recipe of the month August with Mirabelle plums Mirabel, ma belle! Mirabel plums are cute, have a bright yellow colour, and above all...they are deliciously sweet! Pure candy by mother... Food 29 July 2021 Vegetable recipe of the month August with yellow pepper Forget about energy drinks, just eat some more yellow peppers! This vegetable is a natural booster of vitality. Add some mozzarella and... Inspiration 19 July 2021 Enjoy a truly Belgian menu! What's on the menu for our National Holiday? Discover three easy, delicious recipes. Food 13 July 2021 French fries are a Belgian invention! French fries are truly a Belgian invention, and on National French Fry Day we provide the proof. Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 14 Next page ››