Miso ramen is a delicious Japanese dish.

For the fourth episode of Canapee, Bartel and Niels prepare a vegetarian version together.

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Discover the recipe here:

Ingredients (for 3 persons)

  • 150 grams of shiitakes
  • 3 eggs
  • pak choi
  • Spring onions
  • 30 grams of dried mushrooms
  • 1.5 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • ¾ sesame oil
  • ¾ miso paste
  • Sesame seeds
  • Vegetable broth
  • Ramen noodles


  • Cut the spring onions into small pieces.
  • Boil the vegetable stock in a pot of water over low heat.
  • Clean the mushrooms and shiitakes. Cook the mushrooms in a separate pan.
  • Boil the eggs until they are soft-boiled. Then you can peel and halve them.
  • Cut the pak choi into strips.
  • Mix a few spoonfuls of the stock separately with some soy sauce and miso paste.
  • Now add this mixture to the rest of your vegetable stock, giving the mix an umami flavour.
  • Cook the ramen noodles.
  • Serve the dish in separate bowls. To each bowl, add the noodles, vegetables, mushrooms and half eggs, and pour generously with the miso broth.
  • Finish with some sesame.

Don't forget to eat this dish with 2 chopsticks for an authentic Japanese experience.
