Pourquoi gaspillons-nous de la nourriture et comment pouvons-nous changer notre comportement pour réduire le gaspillage alimentaire ?
Mercredi 27 avril 2022, c'était la journée "Stop Food Waste Day", une action internationale par laquelle nous voulons sensibiliser les gens...
Lors de la sixième édition de la journée "Stop Food Waste", une journée au cours de laquelle nous attirons chaque année l'attention sur le...
Compass Group Belgium devient un Waste Warrior Brand (WAW Brand), une coalition belge de marques qui se réunissent pour réduire le...
Aujourd'hui Compass Group, leader mondial dans le food service organise sa cinquième journée d’action internationale de sensibilisation au...
The fight against food waste is not only taking place in Belgium. Our colleagues in other countries are also busy developing recipes to...
Rather than throw your potato peelings away, why not turn them into this easy and tasty soup...
A Simple and delicious meal, omelettes are not just for breakfast!
These delicious meatballs are delicious and incorporate veggies right inside them!
Our international colleagues are also fully engaged in the fight against food waste. Check out this traditional Hungarian dish from Chef...
A Simple and delicious meal, frittatas are not just for breakfast!
Made with leftover or day-old broken cookies, donuts and almost any other sweet pastry, these drop cookies are delicious and truly sweet!
From all corners of the world, Compass Group gathers inspiration to combat food waste. This recipe for gnudi with spinach comes from the...
Our colleagues from around the world are happy to share their Stop Food Waste Day ideas with us. This one comes from California, of course.
Made with leftover bread and simple pantry items, bread pudding has to be one of the most delicious, but no-fuss desserts ever!
Nous lançons notre thème mensuel Stop Food Waste avec un nouveau podcast. L'invité est Seppe Eloot. À propos du gaspillage alimentaire et de...
Compass Group, leader mondial du service de restauration, célèbre aujourd'hui le Stop Food Waste Day, une journée internationale d'action...