Mondays don't always have a great reputation. Especially the third Monday in January: a British company invented "Blue Monday" in 2005, which seems to be the most depressing day of the year. A concept that invites the media and businesses to look for ideas to put a smile on people's faces. As a catering expert, we couldn't help but think about comfort food. Discover our ideas in this article.

Do feel blue as well?
“Blue Monday” comes from feeling blue, meaning you're not in the mood. The holiday season is over, the weather in Belgium is not good. On 20 January (and any other day of the year), sit down at the stove and prepare a recipe that will put you in a good mood. Seeking comfort with food is nothing special, it has worked for centuries.
Studies have even shown that comfort food is associated with positive emotions. For the small scientific explanation, this includes a vitamin present in certain ingredients, called dopamine. This happiness hormone helps you feel better.
What are the dopamine-rich recipes?
What better way to fight Blue Monday? Take a look at our special comfort food ideas.
- Looking for fish
Tuna, salmon and mackerel are rich in essential fatty acids and omega-3, perfect for stimulating dopamine in the body. Prepare your fish with rapeseed oil for a little extra dopamine! If you don't like the texture of oily fish, fry it in kibble. It's a great way to convince little foodies. - Roasted or oven-baked chicken
Did you know that low-fat meat such as chicken is an excellent source of protein? Baking or grilling is a good choice because it has a very low level of saturated fat. Tip: Enjoy chicken with roasted vegetables and add a yoghurt and lemon sauce to boost your dopamine score. - You don't have much time?
A slice of toast and some melted cheese will do the trick. Opt for flaxseed bread or wholemeal bread because they are excellent sources of dopamine. Blue Monday won't have any grip on your morals with this easy to prepare snack that combines carbohydrates and high protein dairy products. - Sweet comfort food
Prepare a bowl of fresh fruit with a spoon of fresh cream or dairy products to replenish the happiness hormone. Add a handful of ground almonds, rich in essential fatty acids. You'd be surprised how many nutrients nuts contain. Almond butter forms the perfect blend of essential fatty acids such as omega-3. Spread on a slice of bread or a piece of fruit (preferably seasonal): another idea for a dopamine-rich snack. - The must-have winter drink
Hot chocolate made with 80% dark chocolate: it boosts morale and has antioxidant powers.