Certified Top Employer
If you've ever visited one of our restaurants, you've probably noticed the elegant red Top Employer logo. We are more than proud to announce that in 2021, for the fourth year in a row, we have received Top Employer certification.
Let us explain just how valuable this HR certification is to us.

The Top Employers Institute in a Nutshell
It is the recognised authority to certify excellence in HR practices. The institute has been around for more than 25 years and has certified more than 1,500 organisations in 118 countries and regions. To put things in perspective, it means that these certified organisations have a positive impact on the lives of more than 6,000,000 employees around the world.
How does it work in practice?
To be certified Top Employer, you have to complete a detailed survey of HR practices within the organization. The answers are then validated, noted and the results are returned using an analysis and comparison. If successful, the organisation is recognised as a Top Employer and benefits from the strengths of certification, such as:
Recognition, which also strengthens the employer brand and ensures that every talent is taken into account.
Feedback, which supports the organisation in its development by providing benchmarks and insights and allows it to continue to apply excellence in HR practices.
Commitment, to remain the best Top Employer possible.

Time for action
The Top Employer certification is divided into 10 evaluation criteria: talent management, workforce planning, talent acquisition, integration, training and development, performance management, leadership development, career management, compensation and benefits, culture. At all times, we must provide evidence of our strategies, procedures and the involvement of our leaders in these areas of business.

Compass Group is a Top Employer
In 2021, Compass Group Belgium was certified Top Employer for the fourth year in a row. In our view, this certification proves just how deep our passion for individuals is. We make sure that our employees feel considered in our HR practices so that they can grow and flourish on a daily basis. Certification also allows us to evaluate our actions and create an ever better working environment for our wonderful people!

And would you like to work for a company that spoils great people with the best conditions and the most valuable on-the-job training?
Have a look at our open positions, or hit the button below if you want to apply spontaneously.